Infrared Heaters — A complete solution for Home Heating

Eamon McGrath
2 min readNov 21, 2018


Infrared heaters are the best way to heat your home through electromagnetic radiation. This is a revolutionary technology provides your home a cozy, natural, and very gentle environment. Far infrared heating panels are great choice over oil and gas fired heating system or electric wall mounted storage heaters. Best part of far infrared heaters is cost, these are cost effective and save around 70% of heating cost. Far Infrared heating panels are economical and Eco-Friendly that suits your home perfectly. Most important part of these heating solutions is that suitable for health and do not dry up the air besides they reduce the amount of dust particles present in air of your home.

How Infrared Heating Panels Work

Infrared heating panels work on invisible radiant energy, electromagnetic radiation with comparatively longer wave length than visible light. Infrared is harmless for all living things. Infrared heating panels heating the surface area of solid objects which radiate back into the room and heat up the air temperature around them. It is far better than traditional heating system which allows heating the air not the object directly.

How to Choose Best Infrared Space Heaters

There are many choice are available in marketplace. Which is best for our home is little bit complicated to find. But keep some points in mind we can find best one for our home.


Wattage is a measurement for the maximum power output from your heater. With the help of infrared calculator you can find out how much wattage required heating your room.

Size and Shape

Before buying your best infrared heaters you should bear in mind how much space you have to fit it in your room. Carefully measure the room space before buying your desirable infrared heating system in your home. For small rooms infrared panels are perfectly best choice as they are exceptionally slim. Infrared panels can fit easily in narrowest space.

Usually the shape of infrared panel is either rectangular or square. Actually shape of panel is responsible for heat distribution span. Before buying must check every product details in regarding of size and shape of heating panels that would be perfectly fit for your location.

Infrared heaters in Ireland are fast becoming heating solutions as these are convenient to use, highly energy efficient, economically good and provide a better healthy option for your home as well as for your work place. Nowadays infrared heaters are most favorite choice in Ireland for both domestic as well commercial clients.



Eamon McGrath

I am Eamon McGrath, an owner of We offer electric radiant panel heaters, infrared space heaters and storage heaters…